27 June 2007

Korean Cuisine

I have been missing this place for a long time. For nearly ten years I have been to various korean restaurants, yet there is none that can compete with the one I had in Dunedin. Once again, I forgot to take a photo of the food when it arrived. I simply couldn't resist it when it's in front of me. So basically, you're looking at the not-so-complete sizzling BBQ Chicken.

B.B.Q. Chicken

This is the well-known Bibimbap. Spicy hot. My sis-in-law's fave. Should have taken it before it's eaten.

Henry ordered Spicy Seafood Rice Noodles.

They have this free side dish whenever you order a plate. And it's endless refill!!!!!! Don't you love them?


Anonymous said...

I hate u Flora, look so yummy to me, make my saliva dropping like bocor 1. compare to our 'kopitiam' down stair, heaven and hell, sigh *sob sob* can pos to me or not?

Anonymous said...

Wow..... so delicious... I haven't had 'Proper' Korean Cruisine in ages... wish i was there too!!!

Flora & Henry said...

monkey, then you have to love me else i won't post to u, gagagagaaga~~

Unknown said...

Flora~~~~我也特爱韩国餐。。。。啊!还好我没在dunedin, 不然也是吃吃吃! 祝你:“吃的开心,增重愉快!”嘻嘻!