27 June 2008


27th June 2008 0750

Morning!! Isn't Friday's the loveliest day of all? Live to the fullest! x

26 June 2008


六月二十六日 晴


許仁杰 - 天上人間


盧學叡+許仁杰 - 少年




许仁杰 - 不安静的夜


蕭敬騰-原諒我 (MV完整版)



25 June 2008


六月二十五日 晴


Voicemail? Blogmail?

I have decided. From now on, I'll open a 'voicemail' for my blog. For those who want to leave me random messages. Be my guest. But I'll only publish the messages if it is necessary or you insist. Don't worry, I'll definitely reply you and always look out for my replies in there. ^_^

24th June 2008. 1609

Hi, I'm Flo and am currently out of reach. So you know what to do ;) x

24 June 2008

The million-dollar question.

What I am about to blog is not supposed to be used against any individual or demeaning any nation, it is simply for entertainment only. So, don't sue me. Thanks.

My family and my friends would know that I am rather musical, in a way. I listen to all types of songs, and not planning to restrict myself to one or two languages only. Yes, I know, I don't know what they're singing but you should not forget and deny the power of 'GOOGLE', hehehe...there's one thing called 'translator' or simply type in 'lyrics for xxxxx'. BINGO.

Last weekend, I was listening to one of my favourite male singers on my PSP when I spotted two songs I was totally into for the first 20 minutes. So I decided to check out the song titles.

An interlude

When I'm into a song, I can play it over and over and over until I'm sick of it myself. But that will have to take long, maybe one month or so. In several occasions, when I was still staying with my siblings, they were unequivocally tempted to crash the computer and strangle me as they couldn't take the repetition of the song(s). Well, you can call me a total music fanatic. I don't mind.

OK, back to my story. Want to know my first reaction when I saw the titles? I am not saying I'm brilliant in English as people make mistakes but....tick ease juuust wayyyyyyy toooooooooo complicaaaatteeeeddd. Well, the songs are in MP3 format and people, (whoever they are, one piece of advice, DON'T DO IT AGAIN! But I know you'll continue to do so), have actually translated the song titles into English, which read:

"Skilled can skillful"

"Does not die the body"

Now, the million-dollar question is: Can you tell me these song titles in Chinese? And please, also tell me your first reaction/expression when you see this!!!!!

20 June 2008



回来原本的话题,去过法国两次,并没有特别的钟爱,但这一次戛纳之旅却彻底改变了我初衷的想法。如果说偶然,倒不如说是精心安排的情况下,我和撒娇妹有机会到戛纳走走,是一个 ‘Ladies Only’ 的旅程。其实是在戛纳出差的玩乐女王邀请我们去的,所以有免费的地方住,为何不呢?而且我们姐妹三人也好久没聚在一块儿了。


死党相聚的时间真的很难得和开心,也总是过得特别快!很期待下次的‘Ladies Only’。


07 June 2008

X Factor 4, ep 3, Leon (itv.com/xfactor)


04 June 2008





