07 August 2008

Can you believe it?

Good news is he has got his entry clearance within four days, and that's by far the smoothest and fastest thing ever accomplished by this lad. Thought it would be great if he was to fly back here so we could sort out a million things but I was wrong.

He actually flew on the 6th August but guess what? He's now wandering around in Hong Kong. Unbelievable eh? What is he doing over there????? Well, he didn't realise his visa validity only takes place from the 14th August and hence being held over there until the date finally arrives. How hilarious is that? I find it ghastly myself. Talking about complete faith and proficient organisation......

I know, I know, stop being querulous, I get it. My final words (for today) are: Though things don't go as planned, I still think we're blessed, compared to many others in this world. So God, thank you for this day. Amen.

1 comment:

jam said...

Is Henry the one you mention? BTW, I had transferred my blog to this new domain, http://lifeislikethat.com. Please add the new link to your blogroll if had added me previously. My new feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/lifeislikethat/AHNd. Thanks.